How To Create Heart Shaped Bokeh
Pretty bokeh really makes your image much more romantic. Do you know you can easily turn the circled bokeh into hearts or other shapes? Keep reading to find out how!

EXIF: Nikon D750 | iso 2500 | 1/125 | f1.8 | 85mm
When you take photos clear and tiny light sources will turn into small, pretty rounds. You can easily turn these tiny circles into shapes. You will need a bokeh filter for this. It is very simple to make one yourself.

Gather everything you need. You can make a DIY filter from paper or felt. I would recommend using black.
Besides that you will need scissors, tape, and a pencil.
Step 1:
Get the size of your lens. Just put it on a piece of paper and circle around it with a pencil. Cut out the circle.
Step 2:
Cut out the heart in the centre of the circle. The easiest way to do this is to fold the circle in half.
Step 3:
Tape it to your lens. Make sure you don't tape it to your focus ring.
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

I made my filter with felt, but you can also make it with paper or cardboard. Both work fine!
I don't think anything can go wrong when following this tutorial, but just in case: I'm not responsible for any damage or injuries caused by this tutorial.